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Zero Fees

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We are responsible for all the handling charges!

In order to further enhance your trading experience and create the best trading environment, FXOAK announces that all the incoming fee will be returned to you. This means that your account balance will match your actual entry number.

More deposit, more profits!

Immediate enjoyment of the benefits, the injection of funds into your account will not be charged any fees. This offer is applicable to all our electronic transfer/online deposit customers.

High Risk Investment Warning: Derivative options trading involve significant investment risk, we strongly recommend that you read and understand the terms and conditions. Although every independent risk derivative options trading are flxed. However being a trader,the investment operation is flexible,which may cause you to lose partially or all of the original investment, especially if the trader invest on single online trading product. We strongly recommend investors to choose an appropriate tradiing method and asset management make good control of consecutive trading and total investment.

Regional Restrictions:We does not provide services to residents of the United States, British Columbia, Canada, Australia, Belgium, France, etc.

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